2019年2月14日 星期四

Edit index.json without dazzle

Guys, let me share how do I update index.json without me being dazzled.


1. You must know that it needs changed only when add or subtract NPC text files.

2. Before Pixelmon Reforged releases the next new version, if other translation volunteers has posted NPC text update before you, please use the index.json updated by the most recent translation volunteer.


You need to prepare these software:
1. Notepad++ or any other software for writ programs to edit these JSON files.
2. Filelist Creator or any other software for mak a list of files.
3. Microsoft Excel. I think any version is fine, because we only need to use one of the most common features.

And next:
1. After you has completed translation, copy and take out the  "npcs" folder from the MOD (assets\pixelmon).
2. Put the files you has translated into the "npcs" folder (put them into the correspond four folders, such as villagers, trainers, etc.). If you need some npc text to delete, delete it now.
3. Before Pixelmon Reforged releases the next new version, if other translation volunteers has posted NPC text update before you, please also join the NPC files of those translation volunteers.

 Start edit index 

1. Open the index.json with Notepad++ and you will see that everything is on one line.

2. Use the search function (ctrl+F) to separate the classification items into one line by looking for [:].
This is only for edit, we will restore it when we finish edit.

3. Open Filelist Creator and select one of the folders to generate an file list.

4. Uncheck "File Size" and "Date: Created" on the right.

5. Delete the top and end of the content in the preview.

6. Save this file list and you can change its file name for identification.

7. Open the file list and use find and replace (Ctrl+H) to replace [.json] with nothing to delete all [.json].

8. Use find and replace (Ctrl+H) again, replacing all spaces with nothing to remove all spaces.

9. Select it all and copy it, then create a new excel and paste it.

10. Copy again and add a new page, then use the Paste Special function (Cerl+Alt+V) and check [Transpose].

It will become horizontal.

11. Copy it and paste it back into the file list to replace the content.

12. Use find and replace (Ctrl+H) to replace all tabs with [","] to make it the format we need.

13. Finally, select the range that needs to be replaced in index.json and paste it to replace the content.

14. When you has completely replaced it, use [Backapace] on the keyboard to delete all line breaks and restore all the contents to one line.

Congratulations! You completed the edit index.json, and you are not dazzled!

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